Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Radio Roumanie Internationale

Radio Roumanie Internationale (Radio Romania International), transmitting from Tiganesti, was monitored from 02.05 to 02.30 UTC.  on 2016-03-25. A French language broadcast (a first time I heard). Reception on 7395 kHz with SINPO 23324.
Reception report was sent on 2016-03-25 and QSL card received 2016-08-14.

Radio 700

Frequencies: 6005 kHz 
Time: 15.30 - 16.00 UTC
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2016
SIO: 455
Receiver: Web SDR receiver at University of Twente  http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901
Transmitter Site: Kall

Monday, 11 April 2016

Radio Station CHU

The National Research Council Time Signal is Canada's longest running but shortest radio programme.  Radio Station CHU is based in Ottawa in Canada and the main transmitter powers are 3 kW at 3330 and 14 670 kHz, and 5 kW at 7850 kHz. The announcements are made by a talking clock using digitally recorded voices. The digital voice announcements entered into service in 1990. The voice in English is that of Harry Mannis (a former CBC announcer) and the voice in French is that of Simon Durivage (of Radio-Canada).
Radio Station CHU was heard on Monday, April 11, 2016. Was monitored from 04.15 - 04.50 UTC Time on 3330 kHz. Signal SINPO was fair to good with interference 33344. Station was heard on Tecsun PL-360.
Reception report was emailed on Monday, April 11, 2016. The QSL card received on Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Radio Station CHU
1200 Montreal Road
Building M-36
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6


Thursday, 7 April 2016

The International Radio Serbia

I sent an email to the International Radio Serbia March 17, 2014 and I haven’t got any response from them till July 25, 2015, when the QSL card arrived, just six days before the station had been closed.

QSL card received after 495 days.
Date: March 17, 2014
Time: 22.15 to 22.30 UTC Time
Frequencies: 6100 kHz
QTH: Toronto, ON, Canada
SINPO: 33433 Moderately strong, but had more interference
Receiver: Tecsun PL-660
Antenna: Telescopic and 30 feet random wire
Transmitter Site: Bijeljina

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Unprofessional Job

It is hard to be a postman. It is hard to drive a car and deliver postcards, letters, boxes, parcels. I really don't want to underestimate their job, but some post officers are really funny. Let's see why. On March 17, 2016 I was monitoring WHRI on 7385 kHz.

I've sent an email and the following day sent the letter to their main address. See the picture bellow.
And today I've received the letter which I sent, with the message: Return to sender. No such number, unable to forward.

Really? No number? So what the number 61300 stands for? Even on Google Maps, on Street Views you can find their Mail Box next to the street which is labeled with the number 61300. Here is their address.

Thanks for non professional job. Whoever is a postman, I would send him/her to take a course again for the post officer.

Monday, 4 April 2016

RMI Tru News / Paradise

RMI Tru News / Paradise

Date: Monday, April 4, 2016
Time: 11.40 - 12.50 UTC Time
Frequencies: 9395 kHz 
QTH: Toronto, ON, Canada
SIO: 233 The signal was weak to fair 
Receiver: Tecsun PL-310ET
Antenna: Telescopic and 30 feet random wire
Transmitter Site: Okeechobee6

Reception Report was sent through contact page and email same day.

Web Site:

Web Page Contact: 


Sunday, 3 April 2016

EWTN ( Eternal Word Television Network )

EWTN Global Catholic Network

Date: Sunday, April 3, 2016
Time: 12.00 - 12.20  UTC Time
Frequencies: 11520 kHz 
QTHToronto, ON, Canada
SIO: 333
Receiver: Grundig FR-200
Antenna: Telescopic and whip
Transmitter Site: Vandiver

Reception Report was sent on April 3, 2016 via monitoring form and email. The QSL card arrived on April 14, 2016.

Monitoring Form:


Thursday, 31 March 2016

Radio CFRX Toronto 6070 kHz

Radio CFRX Toronto broadcasting from the CFRX transmitters site Clarkson, Ontario, was logged on March 21, 2016. A program Live Drive with Ryan Doyle and specially guest co-host Jeniffer Burke, was heard from 21:34 - 22:55 UTC. 
Broadcast was transmitted on 6070 kHz. The signal was very poor. SINPO 23331.
Reception report was emailed the same day and postage fee of $2 was mailed following day. QSL card was received on March 31, 2016.

Thanks to Steve who is the QSL Manager at CFRB/1010/CFRX.

Web site:


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Radio Prague

Radio Prague was logged on March 16, 2016 using their website's Internet stream at  http://www.radio.cz. The program was monitored from 14.00 : 14.25 UTC.

I've got a QSL card, memo block pad and 2 pocket calendars. Thanks very  much to Radio Prague. 

Here is the Religious Structures in the Czech Republic. Chruch of St. Barbara - Kutna Hora. Gothic Structure begun in 1388 and completed 1905.

Reception Report Link: 

Monday, 28 March 2016

Radio Australia (Shepparton)

I know Radio Australia, no longer issue QSL anymore, but I did send a reception report, this morning.  
Radio Australia transmitted from Shepparton was received on March 28, 2016 under poor conditions. 
Radio Australia was monitored from 11.45 AM  - 12.00 PM. Reception on 9580 kHz. 
Reception Report was sent through ABC web site. Email verification received following day.

Here is the video you can see. 

Radio Japan - NHK World (via Issoudun)

This was my first received QSL card. Radio Japan, 5960 kHz. I placed reception report on December 9, 2013 and received QSL card in 10 days.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Friday, 25 March 2016

Radio Roumanie Internationale

Radio Roumanie Internationale (Radio Romania International), transmitting from Tiganesti, was monitored from 02.05 to 02.30 UTC.  on 2016-03-25. A French language broadcast (a first time I heard).
Reception on 7395 kHz with SINPO 23324

Reception report was emailed same day via Reception Report Page.
I expect QSL card soon.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

CFRX 6070 kHz Toronto.

Radio CFRX 6070 kHz transmitting from Toronto only 20 km from my apartment.Live Drive with Ryan Doyle and especially guest co-host Jeniffer Burke. Reception report was emailed on the same day and verification email was replied from Steve Canney. I've mailed a letter on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 with a postage fee as requested for the QSL card .

Date: Monday, March 21, 2016
Time: 21:34 - 22:55 pm UTC Time
Frequencies: 6070 kHz CFRX Toronto
QTH: Toronto, ON, Canada
Receiver: Tecsun PL-310ET
Antenna: Telescopic                                                                   
Transmitter Site: Toronto       


Sunday, 20 March 2016

CRI Radio International 6020 kHz

Date: Sunday, March 19, 2016
Time: 12:05 - 1:55 am UTC Time
Frequencies: 6020 kHz
QTH: Toronto, ON, Canada
SINPO: 34344
Receiver: Tecsun PL-310ET
Antenna: Telescopic
Transmitter Site: Cerrik
Program: Hearthbeat

Reception report was emailed March 19, 2016 and an email of verification arrived March 20, 2016.
I did not believe CRI Radio Int. would cut down budget for the QSL cards. 

Friday, 18 March 2016

How it all started?

It was July 8th, 2013 in Toronto, and that day we had 90 millimetres of rain within an hour and a half at the airport and it was the storm ranked among the most intense rainfalls the city has ever seen. By midnight, Pearson airport had officially seen 126 mm, a single - day record for Toronto. It was a bit of a surprise for Torontonians, because The Environment Canada hasn’t issued any warning until the storm had begun. Hydro One said about 300,000 people in the west end of the Greater Toronto Area were without power due to “significant flooding” at two transmission stations.

I was among 300K people without electricity, roughly about 40 hours. I was surrounded in the apartment with the edge of technology such as Desktop PC, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, LED TV, CD/Radio Boombox, but none of them was a battery operated device. What a feeling! Since that day I’ve become involved in the world of the radio enthusiasts. I’ve decided to buy some decent small radio and I did not know much about shortwave, just thought that I need to buy a radio that has a MW and FM waves, and everything will be great. But when I discovered SW then it’s all changed my opinion about the radios. My first radio that I bought was Tecsun DR-9020, which I don’t own anymore. But I have learned a lot from this radio. That’s how it all started, the rest is history.