Tuesday, 5 April 2016

The Unprofessional Job

It is hard to be a postman. It is hard to drive a car and deliver postcards, letters, boxes, parcels. I really don't want to underestimate their job, but some post officers are really funny. Let's see why. On March 17, 2016 I was monitoring WHRI on 7385 kHz.

I've sent an email and the following day sent the letter to their main address. See the picture bellow.
And today I've received the letter which I sent, with the message: Return to sender. No such number, unable to forward.

Really? No number? So what the number 61300 stands for? Even on Google Maps, on Street Views you can find their Mail Box next to the street which is labeled with the number 61300. Here is their address.

Thanks for non professional job. Whoever is a postman, I would send him/her to take a course again for the post officer.

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