The National Research Council Time Signal is Canada's
longest running but shortest radio programme.
Radio Station CHU is based in Ottawa in Canada and the main transmitter
powers are 3 kW at 3330 and 14 670 kHz, and 5 kW at 7850 kHz. The announcements
are made by a talking clock using digitally recorded voices. The digital voice
announcements entered into service in 1990. The voice in English is that of
Harry Mannis (a former CBC announcer) and the voice in French is that of Simon
Durivage (of Radio-Canada).
Radio Station CHU was heard on Monday, April 11, 2016. Was
monitored from 04.15 - 04.50 UTC Time on 3330 kHz. Signal SINPO was fair to
good with interference 33344. Station was heard on Tecsun PL-360.
Reception report was emailed on Monday, April 11, 2016. The QSL card received on Wednesday, April 20, 2016.
Station CHU
Montreal Road
Ontario K1A 0R6
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